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Quantum transduction is enhanced by single mode squeezing operation

来源:      发布时间 : 2023-04-06     点击量:
姓名 钟长春 职称 博士
时间 2023年4月10日(周一)上午10:00 地点 仲英楼B241会议室



报告嘉宾:钟长春 博士


Dr. Changchun Zhong graduated from the physics department at Purdue University as a Ph.D. on Dec. 2017. After that, he works as a postdoc at Yale University and The University of Chicago (currently). His work focuses on quantum communication, quantum transduction, quantum hybrid system and the interplay among them in both theoretical and experimental aspects.


Quantum transduction is an essential ingredient in scaling up distributed quantum architecture and is actively pursued based on various physical platforms. In this talk, I will first briefly introduce the concept of quantum transduction and its role played in future quantum technology. Then I will discuss our recent approach for transduction, which relaxes the so called impedance matching condition to half impedance matching condition, and it can be achieved by introducing a two-photon drive in given transducers. Within the framework of quantum shannon theory, we show the transduction channel capacity is enhanced and can be understood in a simple interference picture with the help of Bloch-Messiah decomposition.

邀请人:李蓬勃 教授


版权所有:西安交通大学星空体育·(StarSky Sports)官方网站
